Sunday, August 30, 2009


I can't believe how lucky I am ! 3 days later and all is still grand!Friday,Yzabel, Cannelle , and I went to the Frejus/St.Raphel beach. It was very beautiful,the only beach I remembered going to was in New England, and it was very cold!At the beach we met-up with a very good friend of Yzabel,Patricia, who also happens to be Jillian's marraine(godmother),and her son.Even more extremely nice French people!
Saturday we stayed in Les Arcs during the day. we swam in the new pool, and me and Yzabel walked to the ...(pronounced pree) newspaper/ book/candy/general store, and bought postcards of Les Arcs.After we got home, we went to a birthday party. The "party" was very layed-back (unlike in the USA)and quiet.I don't know if birthdays are generally like that, but it was very nice.*note*:The girl who's birthday we were celebrating, was 20 something I think,so possibly birthday parties are bigger for younger kids. There were about 10 people there, and they were all very interested in me. I wasn't able to communicate in French very well, but there were a few English speakers there who helped me comunicate.I struggled speaking french , and then they insisted I speak English. They asked my opinion on Obama,(they all liked him very much), and if I thought there had been change. I talked about the current health care debate and many other things.
Sunday,(today),Claude, Cannelle,Yzabel, and I went to St.Tropez. It was incredible. We saw a lot of Yachts,mansions, ect. And went on a boat tour that showed mansons of famous people,(ie:A place that Paris Hilton rented, a villa that cost thousands and thousands of dollars a week,and yacht that is worth 100 million, and that Sylvester Stallone rented for 100,000 FOR ONE WEEK!!! It seams kind-of ridiculous to me, all the money spent on homes, and other stuff in St.Tropez, but I'm not saying I wouldn't mind living there! We ate ate a nice restaurant,(I had sea-fish, a la Americano ).We also walked through the beautiful streets and ate gelato...(I don't understand how the French stay in shape!!!). Tomorrow I'll meet the principle of my school ,classes start Wednesday.I'm slightly nervous,but I think/hope it will be fine. Yzabel assures me it will be. I miss Fayette, and everyone there, and I hope all is well.

P.S :I realize I posted a gazillion pictures, but I haven't had time to look through them. So sorry if there are lots of repeats or bad pictures(To see all the pictures, not just a slideshow,on the slideshow over there ---> )

P.P.S.: The rumor about the French not liking non-French speakers, and that there very mean to Ameri...United States Citizens, is complete bogus!!! My French is awful, yet my family, friends of the family, and random people I don't know at all,(like the owner of the postcard store) are incredibly nice to me.If I went to the US and spoke as little English as I speak French, I think people would be a lot less understanding of me.So...Keep that in mind all you French nay-sayers!!(not that anyone reading my blog is!)

P.P.P.S: You can call me at 660-672-4414, It's a local number, so it's cheap for you , and I have unlimited calls for a year! hope to hear from you soon!

Everyone:Thank you so very much for your support. Especially thanks to my family, friends,and Rotary members. I'd also like to thank the Academy, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here now .ha ha. But seriously, Thank You all so very much.



  1. Bonjour mon frere! I love love love reading about your trip. Keep the blog posts coming! You are also being followed by the French teacher at the school where I teach, and she is very jealous of your location, says it's beautiful. I am so happy for you and grateful that your host family and their friends have been so welcoming and kind. What more could you ask for?

  2. Oh, Eli. How jealous I am of you. Enjoy it, please, and stay well. It was great to hear from you today but it made me realize how odd it is that we're at this point in our lives - post-exchange/college and starting exchange. How fast time flies (which you should keep in mind). Anyway, take care. I miss you :):):):) but am super proud of you!

    Air hug. ):
