Wednesday I went to school for the first time at 2 PM. There's a girl who is the daughter of a man who works a lot in the USA.She knows a lot of English and is helping me out.
My classes:Europe/French History
English(I think I might get an A in this class!)
Math(Pretty easy so far, we learned about percentages)
French Literature( The Prof is very nice and speaks a little English)
Biology (from the pictures , more like sex ed)
Last night Yzabel and I went to the district 1730 Rotary meeting. It was in a local restaurant At Les Arcs. We arrived a couple minutes late and there were only a few people there. After 10 minutes or so, all 17 people were there. I sat next to two men who spoke English, they were very nice and explained different things about the meeting. On my other side was Yzabel and the YEO(Youth Exchange Officer) not for 1730, but for all of Southern France.I received a district banner from the President...
Now a segment I like to call "Things that I Immediately Noticed were Different"
(Theme Music)
(In no particular order)
1.The gate in front of the school is usually locked, and is opened at the start of school, and closed when all the kids are inside. It's locked throughout the day. And is opened during long breaks.
2.Kids,(my age) a lot of the time on breaks smoke,but their only allowed to smoke outside the gate.
3. PDA(Public Display of Affection) is not banned like it is at FHS.
4. They have a cafe where students hang out, (it has a TV, foosball, ect)
5.everybody speaks french
6.Several floors.
7. Many breaks through out the day
8.Lunch is an entire hour and it's a serve yourself type deal
9.Your group(26 kids) goes to (almost) all the same classes
10.You don't have the same classes everyday(or every other day)
11.If you don't have classes sometime(for instance until 12 on Friday), You don't have to go to school until 12.
12.Several classes last 2 hours.
13.You have 4 hours of break every other Thursday
14. It's a lot more difficult to pay attention when you can hardly understand anything the teacher is saying.
15. There are several different buildings, but generally, all the classes you have are in the same building
16.There's a large courtyard,where kid's hang out while not in class, so when in class ,you can often hear people talking outside
17.No AC
18. If it's sunny enough the teachers leave the lights off
19.Apparently you have to buy your own novels for literature
20. If I understand correctly, if the teacher is absent,for a day or couple of days, class is canceled, so if your last class is math,and the math prof is sick, you go home early
21Insted of a bell between classes, there's a trumpet type fanfare
22.Lots of other stuff....
I hope all is well, all is well, here!
don't worry about grades and don't start smoking. but i agree- public displays of affection are acceptable.
glad you're having such a great time so far!
ReplyDelete(1) I loved TTIINWD...I was especially intrigued by number 5 (who would have thunk?!) and number 22. I hope you plan to continue that segment.
(2) Thanks for sharing the photo of you and the Rotary President! You look great and I really like the art on the banner.
(2.5) Also, I think you should definitely post a picture of the AMAZING dessert served at the Rotary dinner for those of your blog followers who do not also follow you on FB.
(3) I like the parenthetical notations you've included after most of the classes on your class list and I hope we'll get the same for Economy, Civics, and Sport sometime soon.
(4) And this one is totally random: The arrow keys on my keyboard aren't working.
It's good to hear that you're having a wonderful time. Keep up the good work as you learn about the French and represent the US. You may be surprised by the lens that you and Americans, in general, are viewed through. And you may notice your own lens as well. Thanks for keeping up with your blog and letting us into to your new world.