The rest of the school week went well
Things worth mentioning (in school):
Used CDI(The study hall/library with computers,very nice)
The sport in "Sport" this week was rock climbing.They have ,(What I think is), a really nice rock-wall...I had a lot of fun with it, I think it's nothing special to the other kids because they didn't seem too excited, I however hadn't been rock climbing since I was about 9.
The schedule was getting changed a lot, until they finalized it on Friday.
At the beginning of one class a lady from the administration came and talked about the grippe(The flu/H1N1( ash un en un)) I think. From her and motions she was saying to cough into a tissue or your arm, and wash your hands a lot.A friend told me she also talked about school dismissal , if three kids in our group have H1N1 than nobody in the group is allowed to come to lycee for a week.
So the weekend was good.
Saturday we mostly relaxed around the house. In the evening we,(Claude, Yzabel, Cannelle, and I) went shopping for outdoor lights for the pool. We first went to a store that just sold lights, I thought it was really cool because they had lots of cool modern style lights, it sort of reminded me of "The Sims". Then we looked at 2 larger stores, much like Ace Hardware or Home Depot.
Sunday, the family, Mark( a family friend)his son, and I went to Monaco to see a football match.Monaco ,from what I saw, is a really nice country(or city-state).The game was really great. Paris and Monaco were playing. The stands at the stadium weren't full ,only(ha ha ,'only') 10 thousand people,(it was a Sunday), but there was definitely lots of energy. At the ends of the field in the stands were Paris supporters and ,opposite, Monaco supporters. It was cool to hear the cheers and the back and forth. The most interesting thing to me was that the fans on those ends were allowed to set off flares and fireworks. There was a fire man at each end specially to gather the flares before they burnt down and extinguish them. There were also about 20 security guards at each end of the field. Yzabel explained that this was to keep to fans from coming onto the field and fighting.( You can see a video in the album I put up. The game it self was a lot fun to watch.It was a tie until the last 5-ish minutes when Monaco unfortunately made two points in a row,... we were routing for Paris ,but it was still tons of fun. It was a really good night.
The craziest thing that happened:Before the beginning of the the game there was a moment of silence , because a fan had died...and then later there was another moment of silence...because another fan died...
So now it's Friday night...Saturday morning... Another school week has gone by. It went good this week, I'm making more and more friends daily, which is very good!
It's been rainy here but I can't complain, even with the rain, I think it's really beautiful.I have been tired a lot. I was told by RYE(Rotary Youth Exchange)that I would feel really tired sometimes, so it's not a big surprise. I've missed home and family a lot this week,but no surprise there either!I feel blessed that I have so many people here that are so kind and helpful. Everything they do helps me feel more at home.
And Now...dut da da dahh...Random Different Things!
The light switches:There a square, if there's two lights, it's the same size, just two thinner switches
I eat cheese at the end of (nearly) every dinner.Not kraft either,it's delicious (sometimes very) stinky cheese!
Some of the roads seem to small for one car,but they're two way roads...sometimes even charter buses drive on them! Yikes!
No school sports teams
At the supermarket you either bring your own bags, or buy recycled ones that are'100 % recyclable' for .03 euros. It seems really smart to me, I haven't seen one cheap(...or expensive) plastic bag on the ground, in a tree, or being blown around on the highway.
The milk can last a really long time(un-opened ) without being refrigerated.I think it's some kind of extreme pasteurization...if anybody knows more about this, don't be afraid to tell me, I've been kind of curious.
People take their dogs a lot of places,it seams like, in general small dogs are more popular.
People have producing olive and fig trees in their back yards.
The school cafe sells coffee and espresso, and doughnuts with nuttella filling, and bread with chocolate filling, and fresh fruit.
There's a butchery where you can get a variety of fresh meat
Tons of other stuff!
Hope everything is going good with your family ,friends,school,college, health, work, unemployment, retirement , vacation, ...whatever!
P.S. I was really excited to see I was in the (Fayette)paper this week!It really makes me glad to know that i have so much support back home! I just wanted to make a correction,my town has a population of about 5000, not 8000,(It's my fault the paper said that, at the Rotary meeting I went to, I answered a question incorrectly )
New Album:
Oh, Lordeeee! I can't believe you had the wrong population for your town! Didn't you say there are 1,000 people in your HS? Does that mean 20% of the population of Les Arcs is between the ages of 14-18. Sounds like that awesome movie "Summer Camp." Also, I [heart] Nutella, really cool rock walls, delicious (sometimes very) stinky cheese after dinner, bringing my own bag to the grocery and Y-O-U!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear from you and what you are doing. Things here go on the same, nothing neww to report.