Monday, November 9, 2009

Comment dit-on "I've been slacking on my blog" en francais?

Last week and a half
Biggest things are......
Thursday (the 29th)night i went to the Rotary dinner. It was a special night because they were (is this the right word?) inducting/introducing new members. One of the new members was my local club's first women member, which was pretty exciting. I sat at a table with members who were originally from English speaking countries, which was pretty awesome .You might wonder, why was this awesome Eli? Well then, I'll tell you. Two name two reasons.First of all I speak English with them. Secondly , I always feel better about my French , at the last meeting the chap that I met the first night, said that my French had really improved and that he wasn't just saying that to make me good about myself. (okay three reasons) Thirdly they're very nice, One lady who I just met two weeks ago, sent me a birthday card in the mail, which made my week. All the Rotary meetings are really nice.

Friday night, George (my 'uncle') , his children, "Mamie"(Claude's mom) , and some family friends came over. For appetizers, we had raw oysters, which I know also exist in the US ,(and I think I might have had once), but it was still pretty bizarre to me. The weirdest part about them,(for me), is that you eat them live...while they're still living... For dinner we had fondue, which I always thought was just dipping stuff into cheese, but i guess its also cooking raw meet in a fondue pot of oil, and then dipping it into various sauces (sorry for the long sentence, just made longer by this apology).It was ,as always , a delicious meal.

Halloween a friend, Katelyn, came from St.Cyr ( from from Philly)  by train. It's really nice, because the train station is a 2 minute walk from my house. We hung out in Draguignan for a bit, which included riding a carnival ride, which seamed pretty iffy safety wise, but i think that made it all the more fun. It was cool at the carnival, because the operators and vendors seemed to really interact with the people.  Then Katelyn and I went to the Carefour(supermarket) and bought a ton of candy. We went to the bus stop out side of the supermarket, and thought we had missed the last bus home. It's supposed to come every 20 minutes, and we waited 40 minutes and it still hadn't come.
After 20ish minutes of standing we sat down, which turns out isn't the best idea. You see after about 45 minutes, we finally saw the bus coming...but it didn't slow down. I jumped up and waved my hands, and then Katelyn and I ran (epically) down the side walk to where the bus had(after seeing us) pulled over. Phew. It was a close one. We ate with my ' family' while sporting some masks my family sent in the mail. Then we watched a scary movie (Orphan) to be halloweenish and then "the emperors new groove" be awesomeish and ate lots of candy, including treats sent from home, ( did i mention my family is awesome??).
Halloween was  fun, because i got to hang out with my awesome friend, but kinda sad, due to the lack French Halloween enthusiasm...I guess it's more of a US holiday though, so i understand.

Tuesday: I took the train and met up with Vanessa, (from Chicago), in Cannes. It's quite the beautiful city. It was a really fun day. We watched a movie, walked around a lot, saw the beach. It was a really fun almost-last day of vacation. 

Thursday school started up again...(that's all i have to say about that)

Saturday Claude, Yzabel, Cannelle, and I went to Hyeres to Claude's Mother's birthday dinner. It was really nice, and delicious.

So there's the last several days.

 Now the "Raaandom Facts" portion!

-Twighlight is almost, if not as popular here as it is in the US. Everybody is excited for the new movie coming out soon. I feel loserish for never reading the series... so maybe, at some point I'll force myself to read it in French.

-It's not unusual for the toilet to be in a room separate from another room with a bath and sink

-School lunch is like 5 euros a day, it's really good, but that still seems pretty expensive.

-This up coming Wednesday, there's no school due to it being the anniversary of the end of WWI so im going to a tree cutting event that my local Rotary club does every year. It should be fun.

-The news show  shows a lot of US news. ie: the shooting at Fort Hood, fires in California, and the House of Reps voting for health care reform.

-School kids find saying cuss words in English hilarious...and i must admit, hearing they're take on the pronunciation  of curses is pretty funny! -I don't know if i should write their take on them here, but if you want to hear them that's another great reason to skype me!- Oh and, i don't think cuss words are so taboo here. Like kids say cuss words in front of (not to) teachers, and the teachers don't mind. One day a teacher had forgot her keys to her room and she said the French equivalent to F#!K ...none of the students seemed shocked. I guess that their just not as vulgar in French???

-The tree leaves don't have such awesome colors when they die, but the grape vines do.

-I might go see 2012  with my exchange friends next weekend/wednesday.

-Apparently there's a one half  military base, one half nudist colony -island  next to Porquerolles (the island I talked about in the last post). And friend and I jokingly talked going for Halloween and dressing up as normal people.

- Thanksgiving doesn't exist here...I'm gonna miss that a lot, but hopefully some of the exchange students will get together and celebrate.

-I made waffles the other day!

-Blog comments, emails, and calls make my day! ( , 660-672-4414)

You should check out my pictures at

P.S. : I think you're pretty awesome for reading this. Hope you are well!


  1. no thanksgiving? (duh.) i should've sent a turkey!

  2. Hi Ely,
    If you think oysters are weird wait till you eat the snails!
